Martin Meiler


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  • Rider type

    Classic / Sprint

  • Previous teams

    Team Vorarlberg, Team Felbermayr Simplon Wels

“Cycling has always been an issue for me”. As a child, Martin experienced bike races with his parents and rode his first one at the age of 5. His close friendship with Sebastian Lange gave him an early glimpse into professional cycling and made him realize how much dedication and meticulous work goes into it. A motivation that still keeps him going to this day. A highlight of his career to date was winning the Grand Prix Ticino and his participation in major international tours such as the Tour of Hainan.

For 2024, he is most excited about the planned races with the team in the north. He sees the strength of the Pushbikers as a collective and is also happy to finally be riding for a Bavarian team and to be close to the region. As the grandson of a traditional dressmaker, Martin has strong ties to Bavarian tradition. He is proud to wear traditional Tracht and is also a member of the Trachten and Music Association. As far as his training is concerned, his philosophy is to be open to new ideas – everything continues to develop, both on and off the bike. In addition to cycling, he is studying international management and feels inspired by people with clear ideas and visions.

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